June 5

Benefits of Taking a Break from Goal Setting

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  • Benefits of Taking a Break from Goal Setting

Every month, I set new goals and intentions. These goals can be part of my big vision and plan for the year or something out of the blue because it struck me in the moment. I review the previous month, look at the wins, celebrations, grateful moments, as well as lessons learned, what didn’t happen, fears, mental blocks, and distractions. As I reflected on May (which was extreme – big highs and deep lows), I was at a loss on what I want to focus on for June. Then it hit me. For the first time in dozens of months, I decided to have NO GOALS.

I have officially declared June as my no goal month and here’s why…

The Divine Feminine and Shamanism Retreat in Sedona last month was a transformative experience for me. The insights I gained will require numerous rounds of contemplation, integration, and heightened awareness. One concept that profoundly affected me is the idea of undoing. There’s no need to fix anything because nothing is inherently wrong—just undoing. This approach helps rewire our minds, breaking free from habitual cycles that no longer serve us.

For me, undoing means breaking the habit of my old self, shedding the outdated stories I replay in my mind, and letting go of the constant need to always be doing—whether it’s moving, being active, creating, working, listening, or fixing myself and others. This constant striving is exhausting and contradicts my Manifestor Human Design Type.

Embracing a mindset without goals doesn’t mean I’ll become passive and let life just happen to me.

Instead, it’s a shift that releases the pressure of always needing to have answers. It allows my mind to pause, be present, and enjoy the moment without the relentless drive to achieve the next thing

As an Intuitive mindset coach, not having goals a few years ago would have had me spinning in circles questioning if I had lost my mind? What is this nonsense crazy talk? We ALL need direction and goals. This is how we get things done. This is how we get to the finish line and meet success. While I believe in all of this and it holds truth in my personal and professional practice, I also think it perpetuates stress, pressure, and attachment to the end outcome. This way of doing was about achieving and chasing rather than experiencing and missing out on the beautiful opportunities and lessons to be had.

Some of the benefits I am seeking from my NO GOAL month of June:

  • Enhanced Creativity: Without the pressure of always doing and working, I have space and flexibility to explore and play with new ideas in my business. I put so much pressure on needing to know what my next step should be and beating on myself for not having clarity about what I want, I spiraled into a state of paralysis. This is giving me the much-needed permission to slow down and focus on what it is I really want to do and how I can serve and help the important people around me – clients, colleagues, friends, and family.

  • More Presence: I admit I have not been practicing this at the level I want to be at. I find myself distracted, disassociating, numbing, and avoiding. One big indicator of this is my social media time has gone up along with my anxiety. Not saying this is an overarching indicator, more sharing my personal experiences.

  • Fear of Failure: This one hits me at the core. I feel this in my back and in my gut – hello root and sacral chakras! Logically, I know that success is built on a pile of failures and that is the way forward. Fail, fall, get back up, take another step forward, fail, fall face down again, get back up, repeat. Right now, I don’t have the energy to do this. No excuses, simply, I need a break. It means nothing about my work, my productivity, my value, and my worth.

Recognizing there are seasons and where you are in this particular season is beautiful self awareness. This creates space for deeper reflection and self-discovery where I consider myself a forever student of life.

Here’s the thing. Nobody has told me what I need to do other than me. I will not subscribe to always be working, achieving, and having it all. 

Give yourself permission to BE in whatever season you want to be in now even if that means having no goals!

Do what is right for you at this moment in your life. It may be working very hard at your job or building your business. Home schooling your children or taking care of them in a way that is aligned with your parenting style.  Taking a leave of absence to travel, volunteer, or figure out what it is that lights you up.  The only wrong choice is the one you didn’t make because you were too busy achieving all the goals.  Don’t give in to the notion that you have to be it all or have it all. You certainly can be and do it all if you choose, but make sure it comes from a place of self-love and your core beliefs and values.

A few questions that you can ask yourself in this process:

  • What do I want? 
  • Then get curious and ask why? 
  • And why….
  • What are my distractions and how can I reduce them?
  • Where am I seeking clarity?
  • Do I want support?

Keep asking the question until you are connecting emotion with it. We are seeking a feeling and relating it to an outcome or experience. Becoming clear about what you want creates the foundation for determining what to prioritize and what you can say no too so you can start saying yes to what matters to you.  Start choosing you.  It’s not selfish.  It empowers you to show up in the world so you can share your unique skills and perspective. Even if it means to take a break from goal setting and give yourself space to breathe.

With love and gratitude,


Your Guide to a Spiritual Transformation

As an Intuitive Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, and Energy Healer, Alexis empowers individuals to connect with their intuition, trust their path, and lead a life filled with confidence and purpose. Explore our 3 or 6-month Intuitive coaching programs, Reiki healing, Sound Baths, and embark on a transformative journey to unlock your full potential with Alexis Nelson.

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